4. Wednesday: A day of rest
Though the Gospel of Luke states, “every day he was teaching in the temple,” Holy Wednesday is referred to as a day of rest for Jesus. While in Bethany, a woman anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume. It is also widely known throughout the church as “Spy Wednesday.” While Jesus rests in Bethany at the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, the plot of the high priest and the authorities to kill Jesus is in full swing.
Finding an open opportunity in the greed of Judas, Satan entered him. Judas went to the chief priests and
authorities, “and from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him.” He would soon betray Jesus for the price of a slave, and the twelve would scatter. None of the twelve will be left at the foot of the cross as Jesus dies but John.
“As Jesus’ hour comes, this burden He must bear alone. The definitive work will be no team effort. The Anointed must go forward unaccompanied, as even His friends betray Him, deny Him, and disperse.” –David Mathis, “Spy Wednesday.”
April 8, 2020 – 13:00 p. m.
52.1173378, 4.2894082

The line disappears in the ebb and flow of current. Death slowly becomes ignorant when taken by the sea. It now turned into past.

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