Today more than ever we as individuals in a western society are immer- sed into a digital reality. Each medium is an extension of the human body and mind.
We all use computers, phones, the internet and intelligent machines that collect our every digital thought and move.
Since the beginning of time the material afterlife has been in the center of focus - now in this anthroprocenic present we ask ourselves what happens to our digital self post mortem?
What filtered view of ones self is left behind in the digital self? How does this change? How do the traces of binary we left throughout our existence transpire after we – as a source of data – have drained?
What kind of world does the algorithm create from the information we fed it in our life?
In our story this is the digital self/ traces/ abbild/ artifact/ reflection/ depiction.
Everything is a matrix. We subtract this matrix into different dimensions. The principle of our world consists of two dimensions. Focussing on the story of two parallel journeys which intersect after the moment of death. With the first journey showing the transition from life to afterlife.The second one showing the further exponential changes of the digital “abbild” in the digital realm.

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