A final performance of tree drawings.
Storytelling describes the social and cultural activity of sharing stories, sometimes with improvisation, theatrics or embellishment. Every culture has its own stories or narratives, which are shared as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation or instilling moral values.
When you tell children stories, they believe them. A young child is vulnerable and open to any interaction. A child is an “open to everything” human body.
As a child I grew up in the area where Grimm’s stories come from. These stories are very strongly linked to the region and nature. Nature has always been a big part of Grimm’s stories. As a child I have always visua- lized stories into reality. Because these Grimm fairy tales, among other things, were shaped in an environ- ment in which I moved and developed as a child, nature played a significant role.
Nature takes on a narritive role as a child.
Now as an adult you are more blind to nature as a storyteller as a human being. These 6 tree drawings now fulfill this task in a very direct visual way. A storytelling print drawn in an environment (de vogelwijk) where I now grow up in.
Printing nature means working with marks that nature leaves behind which we as humans dont see at first. What does nature tell us?
Each time I attached a pencil to the end of a branch of a tree with a piece of tape. Pencils attach to the fin- gers of the body.
The branches are moved by the wind, leaving marks on paper underneath. Marks throughout lines. One line is thicker than the other. The other line is thinner than the other. Each line has its own meaning. A thick diagonal line different from a thin vertical line.
6 Final tree drawings, each with its own identical visual character.                                                                                                          6 Final tree drawings, each with its own meaning.
6 Final tree drawings each with its own identical title.
6 Titles.                                                                                                                                                                                                            6 words together in 1 overarching narrative sentence. 
‘Ephermal Dignity of Uncontrolled Dynamic Change’ 
The titel of the final performance.

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